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You Will Need This Intelligence Data To Stay Alert & Survive!
What You Need To Know About Your Protective Suit!
You want to isolate yourself from the immediate toxic environment should a chemical or biological attack take place, or you have been advised by civil defense authorities one is in progress. This means you need to place a physical barrier between you and the chemical/biological agents. And, if a Nuclear Bomb has been dropped, additionally, your Protective Suit Will protect you from fallout on your skin, but not from gamma radiation. The suit protects you from beta radiation causing beta burns on naked skin.
Also, your Protective Mask will spare your 'Portals of Entry': Eyes, Nose, and Mouth from alpha and beta particles from being inhaled and/or swallowed! You want to protect immediately the portals of entry. The chemical effects are dependent upon the amount of the dose received; the zone of concentration you're in during an attack; the route the agent may enter you; and what are the properties of toxicity of the agent dispersed. This is true for plants and animals as well as humans.
Whatever your source of information, overall protection is best achieved through a biological/chemical protective suit. In the United Nations Report, No. E. 69. I. 24., paragraph 115, it says definitively, "… the civilian population in most countries is simply not provided with protection against chemical warfare." This means you are going to have to know what to do to decontaminate, when to do it, and how to do it, if you want to survive such an attack.
You will have to depend upon yourself and expect little or no help from others. Without a protective barrier for your skin, eyes, and respiratory system, even the most effective warning system is only of minuscule value. Personal preparedness is your answer.
Just imagine, an attack occurs in your city. The resulting confusion, panic, pain, suffering and death will stultify even the most stalwart, if not well–practiced. And it may do so even then. It will be hard enough for just the emergency workers to overcome the deluge of patients and apply the decontamination procedures from the sheer number of victims involved. In fact, if a city the size of New York undergoes a chemical/biological attack of any mass proportion, our American way of life will change forever, some authorities have stated. We will want more stringent laws passed for more protection from future attacks, and this means loss of "freedoms" that you and I have taken for granted—freedom of movement, speech, unlawful searches, and numerous others, we are told.
When two men were arrested recently for having anthrax in the trunk of their car, it set off a media blitz. Yet, no real, sound advice came out as to what the average citizen could do for him/herself. Teams have been and are being trained by the Army, Marines, Navy, and Civil Defense (EMTs) units in various cities—and now the National Guard, but you can rest assured if you personally do not know how to manage a decontamination process for yourself, you are going to become very, very sick, maybe even unto death should an attack occur in your immediate vicinity and you are exposed.
Ten National Guard Civil Support (CSDs) units were recently formed, that are deployed from 10 regional areas of the U.S. There are 22–members of each unit. Some are fireman with prior industrial chemical fighting skills.
The units have spent 15 months training for weapons of mass destruction. The 22–man units are located at or close to Air National Guard units for rapid transportation to disaster areas or hot spots.
The CSDs are stationed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, near major interstate highways in Austin, Texas; Los Alamitos, Calif.; Aurora, Colo.;, Peroria, Ill.; Tacoma, Wash.; Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.; Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa.; Scotia, N.Y.; Marietta, Ga.; Natick Mass.
Already on the ground for national terrorism control, however, are FEMA and the FBI, whose activities will be duplicated, contends the investigative arm of Congress, the General Accounting Office (GAO).
The CSDs are educating communities with board–room presentations and displays for fireman, the police, medical and health care professionals and personnel, and EMTs. Notice—there is nothing for the common "John Doe" citizen. You'd better get prepared yourself. The CSDs are also having drill exercises with fireman and others to be prepared for a weapons of mass destruction attack on American cities. Still, nothing for you: no brochures, pamphlets, leaflets—nothing!
The question: There are 22 teams placed where FEMA deems easy and quick deployment. What if there are two points of release, or more … or a 1000 points of release in the U.S. (see page 156)? Will there be enough CSD teams to get to you, in addition to other hazardous units in FEMA, FBI, Army, and Marine teams to save your life?
Worse, in an Associated Press article dated February 26, 2001, investigators from the Pentagon discovered that, "After three years and $143 million, the Army National Guard has no anti–terrorism teams ready to respond to nuclear, chemical or biological attacks because of defective safety equipment and poor training."
The internal Pentagon report noted that: "The (team) commanders and personnel lack confidence in the unknown, untested and unsubstantiated reliability of the equipment they were issued." Problems included air filters installed backward in mobile labs and gas masks with parts that were not compatible. Investigators concluded the problems arose because officials tried to ready the teams too quickly, and that defective safety equipment could put team members at risk from the very agents they were supposed to identify and counteract.
Moreover, the report noted that original plans calling for teams to be stationed near Air National Guard bases for quick deployment to attack sites, have been changed to a requirement that team members drive to the scene, perhaps hundreds of miles away, in their personal vehicles. With the confusion that's already taking place in the National Guard, nobody knows how team members will get to scenes, when they'll get there, and will their equipment work when they get there?
We see mass confusion and panic—"Too many cooks spoil the broth." It appears the GAO feels the same. Learn what to do as so many did during the Cold War if there was a nuclear attack then. The average citizen knew something, and every school child also, about self–protection; now the average citizenry knows absolutely nothing.
There are more than 25 nations that either have or are developing nuclear, biological and chemical weapons with delivery systems, William Cohen, former Defense Secretary, said. He further said the threat for an attack against American cities is "neither far–fetched nor far off." He continued by saying that, "the front lines are no longer overseas." This could happen because criminal organizations, cults, and nation–states could deploy nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.
The weapons have become known as "the poor man's atomic bomb—cheaper, easier to produce and extremely deadly," Cohen said. Some nations that are seeking or have NBC terrorists' weapons of mass destruction are North Korea, China, India, Pakistan, and Russia. Iran, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. They all present a threat to the America.
Tuesday, May 23, 2000, testifying before the House Special Oversight Panel on Terrorism, former deputy chief of Biopreparat, Kenneth Alibek, who was in charge of leading a biological weapons laboratory in the now defunct Soviet Union, said, "Biological weapons are very effective, very powerful and unfortunately, very easy to develop, manufacture and deploy. Amateurs could do this."
The former Soviet scientist, who defected to America in 1992, and now works as chief scientist at Hardron Inc., a Washington business specializing in biological warfare defense research, also said before lawmakers, "We have absolutely nothing to protect against biological weapons developed recently."
Whenever two hostile governments are combatants, and a third government steps in and takes sides, it, now, becomes an enemy of the side it opposes. This was and is not an easy lesson for governments to learn in terms of the fact that now, the interfering government became an object of retaliation for terrorism. For instance, Washington maintained an appearance of neutrality during the Balkans war in 1995. But, according to various sources, no less of which the Associated Press (8/5/95) reported that, "The United States gave Croatia very strong advice on how to conduct its massive assault on rebel Serbs and tacit approval for the operation, Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic indicated in an interview Saturday." Furthermore, it said:
"The American influence on Croatia has grown steadily and last November the United States signed a military cooperation agreement with the Croatian Defense Ministry. Around the same time an American company, Military Professional Resources, Inc., signed a long term contract with Croatia to help "democratize" its armed forces and reorganize its officer corps."
Now, when the Serbs lost the battle, and had to give up property they had possessed for 300 years, of the 200,000 displaced, 20,000 demonstrated in Belgrade. Their demonstration, roiling with hatred, was directed toward the United States. Yes … terrorism is staring us in the face. We have created another enemy, and this is why in biological warfare, it is hard to follow the footprint. Iraq isn't our only enemy avowed for vengeance against us.
And since we are likely to face these threats in actuality, there are a number of things you can do to best isolate yourself from chemical/biological agents. First, you can invest in a protective suit costing as little as $25 to several hundred dollars. These suits are rated for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological, (NBC). These outer–wear suits often consist of a two piece suit (others are one piece, full body suits), having a jacket with sleeves that button or snap down the front, and trousers with button or snap fly. It is much like a two–piece rain suit. If they allow air to flow through, "breathe," they are considered permeable. Each section is composed of two layers that often use, in the better made suits, charcoal sandwiched between the pleated material. Some are coated with a water–repellent chemical and if not, you can do the same thing using household "Scotch Guard Protector For Fabric & Upholstery." This helps shed water and any resinous C/B WarFare Agents landing on it when washed with our Universal Decontamination Solution, and prolongs use of your protective outer garment. It also helps in removing particulate matter containing radioactive material. The charcoal gradually loses its effectiveness as it absorbs various substances, smog and other chemicals, that are normal to the ambient air you are in, as well as chemical agents from an attack.
You want to try to keep such suits from excessive wetness, unless detoxing, because there are only several wearings you can "muster" from them. None are permanent for average citizens' use. Yet, however, some do allow several washings and/or decontamination procedures before they become useless. There are some expensive units that allow repeated washings and use.
These protective garments are designed to go over your regular clothing and will protect you against aerosols, mucoid dispersals, chemical agents and vapors, biological agents, and toxins, as well as radioactive alpha and beta particles. Many come with a hood for head protection. A very economically priced suit comes from M.O.M.; P.O. Box 1486; Noxon, Mt. 59853. Voice: 406–847–2735; Fax: 406–847–2246.
Another company, Nitro–Pak Preparedness Center, 800–866–4876, described a Personal Evacuation Suit retailing for about $85. Their suit is a full body suit with integrated hood and feet with zero permeability rating; full face Dreager NATO gas mask, 2 NBC NATO gas mask air filters, 1 pair of heavy Neoprene gloves, 1 pair outer high top foot covers, and manual. In their 1999 catalog #130 (see current catalog for prices/description), they wrote:
Our evacuation suit kit provides both respiratory body protection in the event of an industrial accident or fallout from a nuclear war or accident. In today's terrorist world, the chances of attack or war grows greater. These suits will limit contamination of clothing and skin surfaces from particulate matter like fallout, or other air borne particles. These suits rapidly deploy and can be donned in less than 60 seconds. Perfect for home & business. Sure, we realize we can't prevent the unspeakable from happening, but you can put the odds back in your favor.
Making Your Own NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) WarFare–Two Piece Suit:
However, you can easily make your own from an over sized, three–piece industrial rain suit with a detachable hood with take up snaps (or use duct tape) on waist, wrists, and ankles; calf—high rubber boots; protective (gas) mask; hard hat; and Neoprene heavy duty gloves that are chemical resistant. Use "Scotch Guard" on all materials (not on eye pieces), even though the vinyl will tend to repel certain C/B agents and alpha & beta radiation particulate fallout; also, washes off quickly. . This is just a possible added protection. A plastic (vinyl) raincoat is truly waterproof and not just water–repellent. This can be most uncomfortable, even the permeable water–repellent ones, because they build up heat and start fatiguing the body over a two hour wear or sooner. They are all bulky and hard to function freely in. But the plastic raincoats do not "breathe" either. They do not allow air to circulate and carry away evaporated perspiration.
Put on Your Protective Mask First! Once your homemade suit is over your clothes, a regular plastic
trash bag can be used over your detachable hood and helmet (get a hard hat), protective mask, and rain jacket. This would give added protection to your vinyl rain hood. Choose a rain suit with a hood that preferably drapes down past the neck and overlaps the shoulders for several inches if possible. You want all openings and closings secured from chemical and biological agents, including Radiation Fallout! . Once the trash bag is in place, simply stretch and tear a little hole for mask eyes and filter. Your neck and shoulder area are fully protected this way, we have found, even with a hooded two–piece rain suit. You want to keep gummy sticky CW polymers off your neck, or from going down your clothes. Be warned, however, some chemical agents will "melt" through a flimsy garbage bag. Be sure and get a hooded vinyl suit. Chemical agents may dissolve the trash bag.
You may prefer, a Military Chemical Hood, instead of the trash bag; but, practice with the trash bag while waiting to get from Amazon.com:
Have these things in your possession and ready to go at home or business in a moment's notice.
A water repellent, such as Scotch Guard, has "heads" and "tails" like soap and detergents. And as such, the polar (charged) heads attach to the fabric and the tails point away from the surface. When water hits the water hating group (tails) and turns from it, the water holds its surface tension, then it beads and runs off. This is one of the reasons you add borax to your wash solution—to facilitate the rinsing process. Other uses include preservative, cleanser, antiseptic, soap supplement, and water softener.
Much of the earth consists of limestone, calcium carbonate. The calcium, along with other minerals, such as magnesium and iron, get into the ground water. This creates a condition called hard water. When clothes are washed in water containing too much calcium, for instance, a dull greasy film is left on them when regular soap is used with no additives. The soap is precipitated out with the calcium or magnesium ions, even iron can be the culprit. This is the characteristic grayish, greasy ring you see around the inside of a bathtub. It is not so much dirt, but simply the magnesium or calcium, and not a sodium salt of the corresponding fatty acid in the soap you used. In other words, it is simply soap of an undesirable nature you formed. It does not rinse well and also accounts for the dull sheen to your hair that some shampoos once gave. Your clothes under such conditions are dull, too.
Why are we spending time on this? Because borax combines with the extra calcium and other hard water forming ions to stop the formation of hard water. Hard water doesn't get you clean! It leaves the agents on you. Soaps and detergents have additives that reduce this hard water action and thus increase the rinsability. And this is what you want in a chemical/bacteriological warfare attack: Neutralization and Rinsability. If you can't achieve neutralization, then you want to isolate the agents in a detergent action and get it off your body as fast as possible, even if you have on protective gear. Get The Stuff Off Of You As Fast As Possible!
We recommend 1 to 2 Cups of The Following Placed In A Home Garden Sprayer Now, Which Will Not Cause A Reaction As They Are Dry Ingredients; Then, When The Emergency Occurs, Mask–Up First, And Follow With Placing Clean, Potable Water Up To The Water Mark In Your New Home Garden Sprayer! Pump Spray Up; Begin Spraying From The Head Down, Being Careful Not To Get The Solution Whereby It Can Run Down The Neck Or Collar Area, Carrying NBC Elements To Your Unprotected Skin!

The Above Is Dr. "B"s Universal Detoxification Solution (UDS)!
Use These When Detoxifying Self—If Caught Out In The Open Without Your Protective Suit & Mask And Or Humans And Pets—Work Quickly With Pets; Do Not Get Into Their Portals of Entry: Eyes, Nose, Mouth. To Detox Face, Use A Cloth Saturated With UDC. Before & After Detoxification On Humans And Pets, Use 'Eye Wash!'
And Use These Two (Kerosene & Hydrogen Peroxide) With A Cloth; or, Wipes: Saturate Either And Rub V–Agents (Mustard Gas And/Or Lewsite) Off Skin!
And, If Decontaminating Machinery, Vehicles, And The Like, Add Regular Bleach To Solution Later When Main Danger Has Passed; And, After You Have Used The Universal Detoxification Solution For Self Detoxification.
Then, Detox Those Objects With 2 cups regular bleach, .
Before you remove your protective gear, allow thirty minutes for out–gassing from your gear. Otherwise, you may gas yourself if the protective suit and mask are removed too soon. Better yet, decontaminate your suit with you in it if that model allows and won't disintegrate. With a good three–piece (hood/top/bottom) vinyl rain suit, oil resistant rubber boots, and gloves, this should be no problem. Some disparage this. You Shouldn't Worry. This is because you have made your own! read on! . . .
America's military establishment has just released, according to the Associated Press, that the Pentagon, on February 9, 2000, has advised commanders against using hundreds of thousands of U.S. Government issue chemical biological warfare suits under combat conditions, except in training maneuvers, because many are defective. The protective suits total 778,000, which may all have defects. The suits are known as Battle Dress Overgarments or BDOs.
The suits have "cuts, holes, embedded foreign matter and stitching irregularities." These suits are meant to shield soldiers from chemical and biological warfare attacks. The Pentagon knew about the flaws for 5 years, but recently, a more detailed study identified grave defects.
If you have bought protective suits within the past year or so, and some may have filtered into the civilian commercial sector, examine them for holes and cuts; and if charcoal is coming out from everywhere, you should discard that suit. And, make your own as given above.
Again, you had better depend on yourself when this goes down. Knowledge, awareness, and preparedness is what this is book is about. We still like the two or three–piece vinyl rain suit, oil resistant rubber boots, neoprene gloves, and hood. When push comes to shove, you'd better be able to depend on yourself.
The potentially defective Army suits were issued in 1996 and the U.S. Government sued the manufacturer, Isratex, for poor workmanship and fraud. Five officials of Isratex were found guilty and received periods in jail, probation, or detention, and fines and restitutions totalling greater than $635,000 to the government.
The Marine Corps stopped using the apparel in 1997 and purchased 600,000 new Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology (JS–LIST) overgarment chemical warfare suits. The Army is now scheduled to follow likewise by October of 2000.
The Army protective suits, similar to others of this nature, consist of and inner and outer layer that are stitched together at the seams. The inner layer worn next to the body is composed of a sheet of polyurethane foam permeated with activated charcoal. This is bonded or laminated to a cloth of light nylon material (tricot). However, Gloria Barrett, JS–LIST Project Manager at Fort Belvoir, Va., of the Army's program for these new suits, says, regarding the bulky, heat generating BDOs to be replaced, "One of the concerns is … the carbon is imbedded in this foam that rubs off on the body because there is no inner lining."
The activated charcoal adsorbs chemical substances before reaching the skin. Adsorption is the process whereby there is an adherence of atoms, ions, or molecules of a gas or liquid to the surface of another substance. Adsorption is not absorption—a quality of being assimilated; incorporation. "The charcoal gas mask makes use of this principle of selective adsorption. The charcoal selectively adsorbs poisonous gases, which are usually complicated polar molecules, and lets the oxygen through for respiration."—Chemical Principles and Properties, Second Edition; Sienko and Plane, McGraw Hill, p. 253, 1974. Review Chemistry; Gelender Amesco; and, The Condensed Chemical Dictionary, Tenth Edition, Revised by G.G. Hawley.
The outer layer of BDOs is a plastic/vinyl type material to facilitate the inhibition of chemical agents from the air and environment onto the skin. This is the first line of defense.
If by chance you have one of these government issue overgarments from 1996, it should have come in a sealed plastic bag. Once the bag is opened, the charcoal gradually reacts or binds to normal chemicals in the air, losing its effectiveness. It should say on it, Isratex, and the contract numbers: DLA100–89–C–0429, DLA100–92–C–0427. Or, if you have opened the plastic container it came in, degradation has begun. The same conditions hold for other suits. Some claim they can be washed a number of times. With what is happening now, years later, perhaps! Let the buyer beware.
The new JS–LIST overgarments have been designed to take a number of washing machine uses. Barrett said, "You can launder it six times and know you still have [complete] chemical protection … There is less heat stress with the new JS–LIST … "Without the bulk of the foam liner, the soldier is able to move around a lot more and is less tired."
If, and that's a big if, you can get one of these suits, do so. They sound really good, so far.
Nevertheless, have on hand a three–piece industrial plasticized or vinyl rain suit for backup, with hood, your authors contend. If you go with the rain suits, ponchos, military issues, foreign or national, then seal the chemical warfare suits where boots and gloves make contact with the suit, with duct tape. Also tape over any buttoned or zippered areas. Tape additionally any vent openings.
You want to especially seal the three–piece vinyl raincoat where the top and bottom halves come together. You want a gas tight seal. If you have a chemical warfare suit, what you probably don't know is that they have a shelf life—usually 5 years, shorter once opened to ambient air. Some manufacturers claim a lifetime suit—?—?.
With the Nevada atomic bomb tests using military personnel, who were assured that no ill effects (fallout) would come to them from their close proximity to the test site, the Gulf War Syndrome, Agent Orange, and now this, a credibility gap is widening between the Pentagon and troops of the military.
The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) distributed, knowingly, chemical suits that are defective. On inspection, they claim the defects were not serious, only cosmetic and not considered to be life threatening. This was in 1996; but, in 1999, the Army's Natick research laboratory inspected the very same protective suits and found seven of the 500 suits to have life–threatening defects!
The DLA's director, Lt. Gen. Tom Glisson, said to reporters recently, he is "totally confident" the suits were safe. And the Undersecretary of Defense, Jacques Gansler, testifying before Congress on March 1, 2000, said, "no faulty equipment was shipped overseas." He further contends, " we have full records of where the equipment is." Yet, Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon said, the day before, he feels no one knows for sure where the rest of the lot of 173,000 suits are … and neither do you. However, approximately 140,000 of the BDOs have been removed from Army and Air Force combat inventory by April 2000.
"Between 1946, the United States exploded 183 nuclear weapons aboveground. Bomb tests in the western United States began in 1951. About 103,000 soldiers and other military personnel were exposed to radiation from blasts at close range [Yucca Flats, Nevada]. In parts of Nevada, Utah, and Arizona, residents in the path of fallout also received large doses of radiation. At that time, most scientists believed that people could safely absorb a dose of 25 rems. Troops and the public were assured that there was no danger [author's italics; sound familiar?].
"Sheep provided the first sign that scientists had underestimated the hazard. In 1953, after several bomb tests, more than 4,000 sheep died in Utah and Nevada. Ranchers suspected that radiation caused the deaths, but lost a suit for damages brought against the government. In 1982, however a judge ordered a new trial, because documents showed that the government had withheld evidence that radiation had harmed the sheep.
"Troops were placed within a few miles of the blast. Shortly after some tests they marched to ground zero—the actual explosion site. Many of the troops wore special film badges that were supposed to record their exposure to radiation …. Desert dust stirred up by the explosions undoubtedly was contaminated by alpha particles, and some of it was inhaled by those who witnessed the tests [alpha particles don't penetrate the skin; but cause their damage when swallowed or inhaled].
"It appears that troops who were at the tests suffered from a high rate of radiation–caused illness and death."—Pringle, Radiation….
In The Body Electric, the authors point out that "John Wayne, as well as Susan Hayward and other cast members, died of cancer about two decades after making a movie called The Conqueror, which was filmed in the Nevada desert while an unexpected wind shift sifted radioactive dust down on them from a nearby test."
Watch This & Do Accordingly
Nuclear/Biological/Chemical WarFare Suit
We Definitely Suggest This: Military Chemical Hood
Master These Books Immediately Above!
Everything Will Come Suddenly Without Warning!
These Are In Our Future:
... To Be Continued ...
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment for non-profit research and educational purposes only. [Reference:Cornell Law School]
In An UpComing Issue: Something You Need To Know For What's Coming
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